Auction Services
Auction Services
Non Profit and Charity Auctions
Wild West Auctions knows how to get the job done, from start to finish. WWA will customize our auction services to fit your all your needs. WWA are fully committed to providing the best in asset disposition services. Wild West Auctions has the leading edge of adding new technology and innovative marketing tools to the auction method of marketing.
Offering professional and reliable auction services for:
• Estate Sales
• Consignment Sales
• Benefit & Charity Auctions
• Antiques, Art & Collectibles
• Household & Personal Property
• Horse & Tack
• Construction Equipment
• Sporting Goods & Firearms
• Business/Commercial Liquidations
• Farm & Ranch Equipment & Supplies
Contact Us today for a free consultation, to find out how Wild West Auctions can help you!
How many items do you have?
Live Auctions are best for moving your items quickly. With around 200 items, we can host an auction at your location or other nearby venue. With a smaller number of specialty items, we could consider starting a joint-consignment live auction. If you only have a few different types of items, consider an online auction or the online store.
Do you have a price in mind?
Reserves, quite frankly, contradict the spirit of auctions. While they may protect the seller, reserves prevent the bidders from the great deal they were expecting on that amazing item, which is the entire draw of an auction. In general, we try to steer away from offering items with reserves at live auctions, so it’s possible an online auction or the online store may be best.
Are your items rare or valuable?
Live Auctions or Online Auctions are your best bet for selling your rare and valuable items and also help draw a larger audience. If you have documentation for the item and/or have had the item professionally appraised, the online store will guarantee your best sale price. Please let us know if you would like help with an appraisal.
Do you have a deadline?
To increase success of your auction, we advertise extensively through print media, internet and social media, flyer distribution and our growing digital and print mailing list. Ideally we prefer approximately 6 weeks from the signing of the contract to the date of your sale, but we will work with your needs and discuss in detail during your auction Process.